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    Tame,  what is it? and can it help you?

    When running RA under a multi-tasking evironment such as DesqView
    you  may have noticed that RA really slows down the whole system,
    even though it seems to  be  doing  nothing  except waiting for a
    call or waiting for a caller type something.

    RA continually polls the keyboard waiting for you to press a key.
    In most circumstances, becuase the user is 'Remote' you never use
    the keyboard locally, unless chatting.   Therefore TAME can
    reduce the CPU overhead by upto 55%.

    The  Tame program  will significantly reduce  the CPU overhead of
    RA, without  greatly hindering  the performance.

    Tame is  designed to  work  with any  'DOS'  based  multi-tasking
    environment,  and it contains special hooks for use in  DESQview,
    Double  Dos,  Omniview, VM/386, and Windows.

    Tame is available,   from all DesqView Net Boards (DVN)  and most
    RA Support boards.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson